Pinzimonio di verdure

Raw vegetables with dipping  

Pinzimonio di verdure is as simple as it gets. Some premium ingredients, and a minimal process. Actually, the process is more or less washing, cutting and arranging it. Fresh, raw vegetables of the best kind you can get, with a simple, lovely dip. Any crisp vegetable suitable for eating raw is right for this serving. There are many variations of this dish, so the way you make it, it is just as perfect – as long as you use the freshest of vegetables you can get!

If you only have carrots, cucumber, fennel, or whatever, go with it! Here are some great suggestions on suitable ingredients.

Just three of the below will still make this a colorful and delicious aperitif or starter.


4 persons

Preparing time : 20 min.

4 persons

  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 fennel
  • 8 radishes
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 celery stalks
  • 1 red pepper
  • ½ radiccio salat
  • 1 couchette
  • 1 dl Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1 dl Balsamic Vinegar
  • Zest of lime (optional)
  • Kosher salt
Pinzimonia di verdure

Easy, simple and healthy!

Clean the vegetables, and slice each of them into long bitesize pieces, not too bulky.

Mix the olive oil, vinegar and salt, and add citrus zest if you like

Serve the vegetables with the dipping in the middle of the table, for a cozy sharing.  


You can also use salads like romaine, endives and the like, for this serving. Don’t use the salads like spoons, but just dip, and the irregularities in the salads will get you some of the dressing in the mouth as well!

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